October 13, 2012

Power Failure

A very rare feeling feel crippled to a great extent today. A power failure that lasted approx. 4 hours in the student block on campus. Well worth writing a blog about considering its the second that has happened in my last two years of stay.

Everything in the house runs on electricity except the ventilation system and water supply. From the wireless modem for the internet which many people in the block are sharing with me right now, to the cooking stove (halogen filament). One couldnt get his breakfast ready, or check his email before leaving to class, take his clothes off the washing machine (stuck in mid wash cycle), dry them and have a shower in th dark. These three hours lacking power showed the block mates how dependent we are on electricity. There was chaos in the block- people knocking on each others windows to find out if they were the only ones with the cut. A number or contact that older dwellers had of the maintenance team, so that its sorted asap. Considering it was saturday, the response was quicker than quick. Thats how the Swedes are. They couldnt be in time to avoid the minifridge from defrosting the old school way- water puddle. For those who had to go to school, might have come across to their friends as a walking talking stick of deodorant (A joke).

Not a challenge for most in India who are used to long lasting power cuts. For example, my grandparents house in India has a back up power generator from heavy duty serial battery. But we do have stoves that run on LPG (Liquidised petroleum gas) and a cauldron on a furnace that uses dry twigs and flora (and pretty much anything that burns). The reason why this struck me is the contrast in lifestyle. Swedish system is prevalent on energy efficiency and continous production to maintain their high standard of living. While most parts in India even today, have it relatively crude (self sustainable in its own sense). I cant help these thoughts as I am in an agricultural university in one of the greenest countries on Earth. Plus, something new for blog readers.

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