September 05, 2012

Re-living Uppsala

Its Fall and it seems like the summers not completely ended. With days that are mostly damp to days that are sunny and bright, it seems like "a box of chocolate" definition by Forrest Gump, except that it holds good for the weather these days.  A friend who is now based in Germany, doing his research at University of Tubingen, is now back for a fortnight and is reliving Uppsala.

Reaching Uppsala yesterday, the first thing that he pointed out is that its cold (9 celsius in the evening). It appreared that he has a mental list of things to do, namely, get a bagfull of the sour cola candy available at ICA. One thing he always points out with his head held high are the beer prices in Germany and that he always has a great big stock of brewskies, which are way better than the ones available here. Its not a mystery why alcohol regulation is state governed- to avoid legless mania in society. Whilst shopping today, he was very specific about the potato crisps he wanted to buy and that the crisps in Germany lacked variety. I wouldnt know as I havent been to Tyskland, yet. Yes, I am learning the Swedish names to countries while he leaks bits and bobs of the German language. We also had a revival of our student diet- baguette, butter, and brie with and bluberry squash.

Next thing on his mind looks like he wants to get together with the friends who are still in Uppsala, if they havent flown to their nests. Also, the nations. These are the last few days where one needs only a layer to have a seat outdoors on those lovely dark picnic benches and quench his thirst.

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