This is about me writing an exam with all the study material next to me during the duration. A first time for me that was.
The last term exams were home exam based. The concept was applied genetics and hence they figured that there is no point asking us questions that revolve around being able to answer within a time period of maximum of 4 hours. Please do read about that experience of mine in a previous blog of mine called 'Iceman'. This half term paper I wrote recently was on Plant food science. The topics were cereals, its processing, fresh food and its processing and it also included baking. Now, I know what you might be thinking- piece of cake ( Ironic, I know). It was fun and all when we had a day of laboratory work solely dedicated to unravel the mysteries of baking. Aimed at a molecular level of course, the breads weren't meant to be tasted. I did bite in on the 'forbidden fruit' anyway. Muhuhaha! That was me giving you a taste of what half of this new term had been. Also, we had a field trip to a pasta making factory (you can find it in my prev. blog as well)
Indulging you with this " open-exam" experience of mine, I must say was pretty interesting. More interesting cos I thought we were allowed only textbooks to take in to refer some concepts, but no, 5 days prior to the day we were told that all handouts and personal notes was allowed too. That to me was just Icing on the cake. I am used to writing exams with just a question paper and blank papers for answer and an occasional use of a scientific calculator. This seemed like it was going to be a piece of cake ;). I did prepare. I thought I will just familiarise myself with what concepts were in what part of the books. Also re-arranged the handouts.
When the question paper was handed to my hand, I looked at it to realise the first question wasn't as easy to solve as I had thought it would be. The questions weren't based solely on one major concept. Instead it aimed to see how well you understood the entire plot. Long story short, I missed the target. I think I might just manage to scrape through. Fingers crossed.
Some smart fella once said- 'The real education really begins when you think you know it all'
Well played, Sire.
'Open Exam' is not so open everytime. I loved it.. Did u pass in that paper?